*** From National Headquarters 1-14-2022 regarding
the payment of dues online click here
Join Us
Women are eligible to become members of the American Legion Auxiliary if they are specifically related to an armed service member or veteran who served during war time. Also, male spouses of female Legionnaires are now eligible for membership.
Click here to learn more about Eligibility requirements. If eligible, you can join in person or online. A membership application is available here.
We recommend you stop by your local American Legion Post to join.
To join online, click here
Don't see a Unit near where you live? Consider starting a new Unit!
Above: Guadalupe Unit 124 working membership.
The volunteers of the American Legion Auxiliary work hard to deliver against our mission.
Your financial help is appreciated and is tax deductible (we are an IRS 501(c)(19) Veterans’ Service Organization).
And you can rest assured that your donation will be used wisely.
Please send checks made payable to:
ALA Department of Arizona
Attn: Department Secretary
4701 N 19th Ave; Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85015
The American Legion Auxiliary of Arizona is a diverse group of nearly 15,000 women focused on serving Veterans, Military, their families and our communities
Become a member
"I am proud to be a member of the American Legion Auxiliary. I joined to honor those who have sacrificed so much for us”.
Membership can be as simple as just knowing you are part of something important. Or if you are seeking a way to give your time to a worthy cause, it can be more. That’s what membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is all about: your pride in America, its service personnel, its veterans and the pride you will have knowing you are making a difference.
Stop by your local American Legion Post and ask to talk with an Auxiliary member.
They will know what activities are coming up at that location.
You can also save some time by completing this online “interest form”
We will contact you!